Friday, September 27, 2013


This past week I had an assignment due for my english humanities class. I was to read a young adult novel that had been banned or censored. I decided to read Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, she is my boss's favorite author.

I knew I had picked the right book when I finished reading the back cover, because goosebumps covered my entire body. I finished it in 2 1/2 days. She wrote in such an honest and authentic way; I couldn't help by highlight passage after passage--I do this incase I ever need some inspiration while writing. In a way, reading this book once again confirmed my hopefully bright future. I too hope to write young adult in such a way that it has an impact over the young adult community. I want to provide a voice for readers who can't find theirs, similarly as Anderson has done. Although, I hope to help young girls that find themselves in a trouble, to those who have lost a parent, and those struggling with a mental illness. Of course, I don't aim to only provide literature for one genre of people. I hope to help young girls all over and with all sorts of problems, Anderson successfully does this. She makes girls feel like everything is going to be okay, whether they were a rape victim or not.

She has this line in the novel that I especially connected with. Melinda (the main character) is arguing in her head with herself. Melinda #1 wants to go to her lab partner's house, she likes him and he invited her over after a game. Melinda #2 hates being anywhere but home, never wants to go to a party again, and fears being alone with a boy. Melinda then asks herself:

"If I kick them both out of my head, who will be left?"

Wow, talk about perfect right? Especially pertaining to my last blog post, "Disappearing on Seoquel" and good news about that as well! My doctor finally listened to me. We decided that I am going to stay on the seroquel, but she also gave me a prescription to adderall.  AND IT'S WORKING! I am not manic, I am not depressed. I go to sleep at night, wake up for work everyday, do my homework everyday, and the house has even been clean! 

So to answer my previous question, "who will be left?"

Well, very similarly to when I first began Seroquel, my doctor's words were: "The first five days you won't be able to get out of bed, but within a week, you will feel normal."

My reply through tears, "What does normal feel like?"

She laughed and said that hopefully I will find out soon.

I think this might be it. Not fighting with my boyfriend, going out to his birthday dinner tonight, interested in school again, I love my job....

I think that once I kicked them both out of my head, "I" began to come back. The "me" that I've been missing... the one I thought I had lost. It's a good feeling, and I'm glad Melina finally found it too.

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Disappearing on Seroquel"

I stole the title... 
From an article I read that I really related too. I found this article this past week. This past week I have not gone into work once because I can't get out of bed in the morning. I even made an emergency appointment with my psychiatrist but overslept and missed the appointment. I've spent the entire week obsessively researching bipolar on the internet.

I realize that I need to be on meds. But I haven't had any luck yet finding "my cocktail." Well at least I hope I haven't yet-- I hope that exists. After a horrid depressive episode last winter, I decided to start going to a pdoc. She put me on lamictal and a few weeks later I swallowed the entire contents of the bottle during a drunken rage and ended up in the hospital. I stayed away from the pdoc and bipolar meds for a few months, and was fine, until a mixed episode hit me this summer. My episodes always tend to come during the same time of the year. She put me on 500mg Seroquel and now I have lost all my motivation. I can't get out of bed, I can't stop crying. She put me on Wellbutin 75mg for energy too, but I feel none of it.

I know I'm probably crazy for saying this--but honestly all I want is adderall. I know it works for me. I've been taking it for years and it really helps with things. She's afraid it'll make me manic, but when I take adderall I go to the library and do homework, or I clean the house-- I don't go binge drink and spend all my money.  I've been trying for nine months now and she just refuses. And also she's the only psychiatrist at my school, and because my insurance is through the university, I can only go to her.

I don't have the feeling that "I'm losing my mind" anymore... but I can't get out of bed either. It's like I have absolutely 0% motivation for anything... even my job that I love more than anything, or my favorite classes. I love that it puts me to sleep at night but hate that I can't wake up in the mornings. I've been obsessively reading hundreds forums for days now about bipolar and seroquel and I keep finding the same...

"I was calm, but inwardly dead. The capacity for compassion, love, enthusiasm, or real joy diminished to the point of nothingness. Yet I wasn’t depressed anymore. I had become a zombie."

Part of me wants to just go back to self-medicating with adderall and xanax. I get my shit done during the day, I get good grades, I always go to work, I'm fit (seroquel has added a solid 15 pounds that WON'T budge. I've been working out, dieting, juicing, diet pills--the scale hasn't budged) and then I take a xanax when I get home, make dinner, go to bed, and repeat.

I can't keep doing this. My head hurts, my body feels old and sore. All I want to do is sleep. What's the point of taking these meds if they reduce your desire to live? Breathing isn't being--there's much more to living. I feel like seroquel takes these things away from me. It leaves me like a shell of my former self-- I sort of look the same plus 15 pounds but I'm a completely different person. 

I've fucked up my life so much already (collections call 10 times a day, I've ruined my credit, have a felony warrant worth over $1000, no driver license, no money) I can't afford to NOT be productive. Honestly, I'd rather just die than keep sleeping my life away. I just don't know what to do anymore. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Scary Side Of Art

I recently read an article that stated the following:

"We are right smack-dab in the new golden age of young adult literature." -Michael Cart, Booklist magazine critic and a leading authority on young adult literature. He went on, "And publishers are courting young adults in ways we haven't seen since the 1940s."

Well just look at that, one of the best things a young adult writer could hear, right?

Sometimes I feel so blessed and confident to have found writing. So many of my friends changed their majors so many times, or still aren't even passionate about their majors. I honestly have to say that at least three quarters of everyone I know in college doesn't really give two shits about their majors and just want to be able to land a job.

I honestly feel as if I'd go insane without writing. I have to do it. I've always had to do it. I've been writing poetry since I was eight years old and have kept a diary for the last fifteen years. And I still own them all too-- they sit proudly on my bookshelf. I feel like my bipolar disorder has a lot to do with my need to write as well. The more I learn about the two-- writing and bipolar disorder, I see their paths cross far too often. It's almost as if I was meant to be writer, and during the golden age of young adult literature? Could it be more perfect? All of the writers I've studied have had many things in common, they had talent and good timing. The wrote for the nation and they wrote about exactly what the nation wanted and needed to read. And right now our nation wants young adult literature more than ever. I honestly really think I have a chance of making it. My father even  believes in me. He still can't believe I write so well. My father has never had faith in me.. my entire life, and writing restored that faith.

But then again, I also have to realize that writing is an art. It's much like painters and sculptors and actors and musicians-- very few actually make it. Sometimes I just wish there was a way to know if I am good enough. I keep telling myself, just get your degree in creative writing, make sure you get into grad school, get your masters, and you'll have to be good enough. There's no way I couldn't be after so much schooling! But then again... I guess I'll never know until the day comes. It's scary and risky but maybe that's part of the reason it's so beautiful. Things like writing and art don't achieve meaning in any sort of easy way.

I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope for the best! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

I wrote this over a year ago--it's amazing to see how far I've come. 

June 14, 2012

To be too spontaneous is not a good thing at all, but more of a curse. Especially mine—after all the title of this book is Slow Down, isn’t it? I have more than one curse bestowed upon me though. My family always told me I was “13 going on 30”—all I wanted to do was grow up faster. Now I’m all grown up and I hate it. I can’t act my age. I can’t be responsible. I’ve broken three leases since I’ve been 18 now. I’ve been absolutely penniless accept for the loans I’ve taken out for school. I have no license, no money, nothing. As usual. I mean yes, on the bright side I’m on the Dean’s List, but that’s only because I’ve picked up an Adderall addiction. I’m 21 now and still haven’t bought myself a single drink, not even a beer! Because I haven’t had any money. I seduce people into doing things for me, and I always get my way. I’ve completely fucked over my aunt by having her cosign for me, and then not paying rent. I seduced her into doing what I wanted. I fucked over my father by convincing him into giving me thousands of dollars for rent, school, food, living expenses. I’ve borrowed money from Matt Farmer (who harassed me to pay him back for months), Jack Swagger (whatever his real name is), and Steven. Mariza, Steven, and Jaime (my closet friends) pay for nearly everything I do. This is exactly what I do to my mom my whole life and what I vowed I wouldn’t do to anyone anymore, and here I am! It’s my fucking lifestyle! And now I’m trying to run away to Georgia, telling myself I’ll change (but secretly hoping some dreamy billionaire sweeps me off my feet and solves all my problem for me), but at the same time I’m so scared to leave ASU. I know everyone! Everywhere I go I see everyone I know! All of my friends always gasp “Gosh Lauren who don’t you know?!” as we make our way through a crowded bar and I get tugged and hugged and yanked everywhere, and I just wait for the words –“Would you like some shots?” and I smile knowingly to whoever I’m with, thinking to myself ‘Hmm I may have no money to pay you back for everything you’ve done for me, but I can introduce you to some cute guys who will buy us whatever we want all night.’ And ASU is such a big school, that I can use up and throw away as many people as I want, I’ll always find more. I don’t want to do this anymore. I want to wake up in the morning, be able to buy myself a cup of coffee. I want to cook again, write again, watch good movies again. The only reason I’m even writing right now is because I ran away to my dads, I’m bored out of my mind, and I have SO much on my mind. I want to start a savings account, I want to exercise, be successful, land an internship, be a writer! But I don’t want to be bored. I don’t want to be like Sara going to bed at 10 on a Friday and eating my sorrows away. I still want to have fun. Can’t I have both? Isn’t there a way? I’m in debt $1000 to my current complex, I fall in love with a new boy every weekend, I’m a total fucking disaster. But then again, whats new? It’s probably not best to run away to Georgia, seems like running away never does much more me anyways, I just dig a new hole, just as deep, in a different location. I just need to get my fucking shit together. People love me, I can do this. I just have to learn to love and rely on myself.


I never went to Georgia--I got too drunk the night before and missed my flight. And instead I found help for my bipolar and the two loves of my life. I've learned I can rely on myself more than anyone, and truly believe I've become a good person.